The hustle and bustle of my first year FSM class schedule combined with prayer room hours (also known as the Sacred Trust) joined with a part time job at California Pizza Kitchen has been a lot to juggle. But I have been having quite the adventure.
Right now I am finishing up my last module of the semester in Song of Solomon, taught by Dwight and Jennifer Roberts. The song is, I believe, to be read as symbolic, not literally. So from this understand the conversation between the Beloved and the Shulamite has become a prayer journal I can speak to God from. I am able to parallel myself as the one whom God calls lovely, even in my darkness. How in verse 1:1 she cries out to be "kissed with the kisses of his mouth" she is desiring to be met in a most intimate way in the reading of his word. Jesus will refresh us with the kisses of his word!
I have taken two other modules since being here since September. First, I had The The Glory of the Intercessor with Corey Russell (what a Father to the generations!!). My understanding for why I am called to pray and fill the gap was shaken to the core as Corey led the class into the heart of the true intercessor, Jesus. I had read before how Jesus makes intercession at the right hand of the Father, but it has begun to resonate in my being that he has forever made intercession since he left earth that day with his disciples. Did you realize that? It makes my heart leap in me! Jesus is passionate about being with us. He is asking his father day and night, night and day to return him to a pure and mature bride.
I miss the Fort.
I miss the Lockett family and how with the help of Fisher I was nicknamed "secret eater" (quote from a homestarrunner toon referring to marshmallows). I miss my family in Virginia and my church family of Virginia Beach.
I also know that in coming to Kansas City I was saying "yes" to an invitation God gave me to be at IHOP-KC for a season. So I am learning to be faithful and obediently setting myself up to be with God daily. There is an amazing amount of access to the House of Prayer (24/7, yo) and many influential teachers and bible scholars in the community.
I'm still surprised that I currently live in Missouri. And as guests at CPK daily ask me what I am doing all the way in MO, I am constantly reminded of why I am here and what I am doing.
Let him kiss you with the kisses of his word today.
hey...why did someone delete their comment..not cool.
What a lovely, well-written post! Please keep writing.
Love/love/love! -me
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